Monday, October 16, 2006


The following was in response to a particularly stupid post on CL about pro-choice, anti-war liberals being PRO- ABORTION. It is shocking how often some idiot equates being liberal with being in response to this particuarly inane logic train, I posted the following:

"Just because someone is pro-choice DOES NOT mean that they are pro-abortion. No woman is ever going to gladly offer her body up for an abortion, nor is she going to look forward to making an emotionally devastating decision on whether or not to terminate a pregnancy.

Abortion is not something we shout hip-hip-hooray about, but those of us who maintain that it is an *individual* choice that should rest in the individual woman’s hands not the hands of some bureaucratic decision maker on Capital Hill sporting a Y-chromosome and a penis will continue to protest the attempts to wrestle the decision making power from the person whose womb is directly affected.

Ironically, abortion is a question of personal liberty and about the extent to which the government should be able to dictate policy over an individual’s health and body; preservation of personal liberty and minimal government interference have traditionally been bastions of the *conservative* platform. No longer – as evidenced by the Terry Schivo case where the highest legal authority in the land had to hand down a ruling baring the Executive branch from meddling in the health care choices of a private citizen. Instead, we liberals have taken up the cause of preserving personal freedoms from the usurpation of the federal government; we’ve come full circle.

It is a ridiculous and absolutist stance to equate being pro-choice with pro-abortion. Apparently you have lost your capacity for rational, subtle and nuanced thought. Reason is our only means of perceiving reality – our only source of knowledge. Taken to a logical conclusion, the two previous statements would mean you’re taking a vacation from reality. "

There is nothing more infuriating than myopic and absolutist idoiots.