Thursday, May 25, 2006 America's Oil & Natural Gas Industry

Have you seen the latest treaty from the energy industry bigwigs? It literally begs us all to question them on why we’re paying so much for gas, what the industry is doing to develop alternative and renewable energy sources.

It’s a brilliant piece of propaganda. It does exactly what any piece of persuasive media should do: lull its audience into a stupor and create a sense of trust. If we can’t ask the industry directly, who can we ask? If we can’t trust American companies to take care of us in the future, who can we trust? (Obviously not the Saudis.)

But really how dull witted can we be? It seems a thinly veiled attempt to justify the gross profits experienced by the oil industry over the last year and a half. Yes, most of us are aware that they make only 7-8¢ per gallon and that a substantial percentage of the price of gas is comprised of state and federal taxes. But considering recent allegations on price gauging at the pumps, it seems difficult to swallow any justification for such bloated profits. (I’m not dismissing the contribution of the oil companies profits to the greater-than-anticipated GDP growth for the first quarter of 2006 – 5.3% - and of course those publicly traded conglomerates have an obligation to their shareholders to hunt down profits to ensure their stock prices justify investment.)

But those profits come at what social cost?

Ever heard of externalities?

Inflation, a rising consumer price index, negative personal savings rates: all factors playing into the 16th consecutive raise in the Federal Reserves’ prime rate. All potentially crippling components to future economic growth. Did we all forget what effect these numbers had on the stock "adjustment" last week, when the Dow Jones dropped 200 points in one day?
And now the Fed’s Bernake’s cryptic communication style has the market getting jittery, when the Fed is supposed to create a climate conducive to reasonable growth and checked inflation.
But back to the propaganda. The commercial is simple, stripped down to the basics: a current of diverse faces streams across the screen demanding to know what we pay what we do at the pump. Talk about a message claiming corporate responsibility and demanding social justice.

It’s brilliant. But I just don’t buy it.

Where to start, what to say?

I suppose this is where the adventure begins: words I will be held responsible for from this day forward. Self-censure may well become a daily ritual, one which will curb this otherwise loquacious tongue (the fingers are not so eloquent, they require a few exercises before their flexibility keeps pace with outrage, frustration, humor and giggles).

Right. Enough with trying to wax eloquent.

A little time spent this afternoon reading other blogs, spent the most time reading about the violation of the Congresses "constitutional" right to privacy by the Executive branch. I have to wonder what it is that brings together a divided Congress against an effrontery of overreaching Executive powers. Suspicious as it may be, the only thing I can think is that they are hiding something, probably a deep-seeded sense of guilt about the rotten, rank corruption that has set in like damp rot, something that can't be masked cosmetically with a little paint and soft lighting; corruption this set would require a razing to the foundation to fix.

And that's only the Congressional Branch. I wonder how incredibly impossible a task it would be to try to correct the course of the Executive Branch. I'd venture to say that the Executive Branch operates more like a Monarchy - dare I say Theocracy? Really what ever happened to the separation of church and state even as a mere concept, let alone practice? - where GDub prances around preoccupied with ego instead of taking a good whiff of what's really going on. Me thinks there is something rotten in the state of Denmark...

That being said, the most articulate discussion I've found is from Jack M. Balkin's blog. I recommend you read: